Could chronic inflammation be impacting your health?

Why eat organic especially if you are living with Parkinson’s Disease?

Can diet alter the course of Parkinson’s Disease?
Among environmental factors implicated in PD, nutrition is one of the most investigated areas as a potentially modifiable factor. There is a growing body of evidence to support the fact that diet can influence the development of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s Disease.

Mindful Eating
Mindful eating is an in-the-moment awareness of the experience of eating, including thoughts, senses and feelings, during and after you eat.

Wild Blueberry Smoothie for a Happy Gut
This smoothie is full of nutrient-dense, high-quality ingredients that, when blended together, taste divine.

The Gut-Microbiota-Brain Connection
Have you heard of the gut-microbiota (the mix of microscopic organisms within the digestive tract)-brain axis, and how it impacts on our health?